Tuesday, May 1, 2007

All Hail Queen of the May!

Every May Day (May 1) I dust off my copy of The Wicker Man and watch it. The 1973 British film is one of my favorites, and explores the ficticious pagan island of Summerisle. It is Christopher Lee 's finest hour as an actor in my opinion, and a role that made me an instant Lee fan. Edward Woodward played the stuffy, pious Sergeant Howie perfectly. The film is unlike anything I've ever seen and is both stylish, haunting, bizarre and if you've watched it as many times as I have, funny. Everything about the film is good: Anthony Shaffer's story, Paul Giovanni's soundtrack, the locations in Scotland, and the supporting cast, which included Britt Ekland and Ingrid Pitt.
There was a modern remake of The Wicker Man starring Nicolas Cage. I didn't see that. Maybe I'm a purist, but I've read things about that remake and it looks so ridiculous. Remakes are never as good as the movies they imitate.

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