Thursday, March 29, 2007

More Thoughts on David

I first met David Honigsberg at the Malibu Diner last April. When he introduced himself as "David, the rockin' rabbi," I knew I was in good company. For the past year I've read David's comments on the listserv with great interest. Living so far away, the listerv functioned as a family of really bright, funny, creative people. Last November, I saw David perform at a coffee house in Barrington, NJ. When he didn't show up on time, I worried. But sure enough, through the door comes David: lanky, in cowboy boots and lugging his guitar. He treated the crowd to some really great live music, including a rendition of the Austin Lounge Lizards' "Old Blevins" that was better than the original. His own work was a joy to listen to and after the show I bought his CD "The Pattern" and got his MySpace address and e-mail. I listened to his CD during a long ride home and was impressed and moved by the quality and depth of his work. He was a loving, caring person and someone you were glad came into your life. My only regret is I only wish I knew him better.
Tomorrow is the funeral. It will be in Brooklyn, and I'm going.

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