Saturday, March 29, 2008

An Afternoon of Pulp

Went to Pulp Adventurecon #8 in Bordentown, the second time I visited the show. It's a small convention for devotees of pulp fiction and early science fiction. Of course I was like a kid in a candy store, buzzing around the colorful reproductions of The Shadow, Doc Savage and Phantom Detective novels. They also sold reprints of Spicy Detective Stories, Jungle Stories, G-8 and his Battle Aces and other marvelous rare finds. When I first went to Pulp Adventurecon in 2006, most of the attendees were older, in their 50s and 60s. This year the ages were mixed between old and young, so more young people are getting into pulp literature. I chatted with writer C.J. Henderson and bought a few of his hard-boiled private eye and occult detective books. Henderson is really friendly and a genuinely nice fellow, who'll sign his books and talk to fans. I also met some people from the Malibu group in attendance and talked about publishing and writing.
I found two key Doc Savage reprints I wanted, plus a reprint of The Spider. I also picked up an issue of Space and Time Magazine, a cool literary publication featuring science fiction, horror and fantasy stories. Plus, I scored a free Indiana Jones promo poster for the new movie coming out Memorial Day! Woo-hoo!

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